Utilitas GFW caelo Praesidium turrim


In turri fulminis GFW turrim angulum ferro vel fistulis ferreis ut turris materiae columnae utitur, cum parva ventorum onere coefficiente et vento valido resistente. Columna turris iungitur cum lamina exteriore, et fulmina tendunt, quae laedere non facile est. Triangulum columnae turris conservationem reducit, ferrum servat, foramen parvum calcaneum habet, parvam aream occupat, opes terrestres servat et commode sita est. Corpus turris leve pondus habet, translationem et institutionem opportunam, et tempus breve est constructio. Turris genus ordinatur secundum ventum onera curva, cum lineis levibus, In rara ventorum calamitatibus, non facile est concidere, et consilio casus hominum et animalium reducere prosequitur ferro structuram designationis speciei et turris et mali ratio normas. .

Advantages: The use of steel pipes as tower material has a small wind load coefficient and strong wind resistance. The tower is connected by external flanges, with bolts under tension and not easily damaged, reducing maintenance costs. The tower is arranged in a triangular shape, saving steel, with small heel opening, occupying a small area, saving land resources, convenient site selection, light weight of the tower body, convenient transportation and installation, and a short construction period. The tower type is designed according to the wind load curve, with smooth lines, In rare wind disasters, it is not easy to collapse, and the design to reduce human and animal casualties complies with the national steel structure design specifications and tower and mast design regulations, making the structure safe and reliable

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